Saturday, October 30, 2010

Let's Revise Maths (2)

Hi P5 Pupils,
Here are a few more questions for your comments and discussion.
For Q1 to 3, tell us which answer is right or wrong and why.
For Q4, tell us the answer and how you can get it the fastest way possible.

Q1. Given a square with length 8cm. Find its area.
A: 32 cm
B: 32 sq cm
C: 64 cm
D: 64 sq cm

Q2. Change 0.6 to percentage.
A: 0.06%
B: 0.6%
C: 6%
D: 60%

Q3. Find the most number of 3-cm cubes that can be put into a container measuring 10cm by 5cm by 9cm.
A: 9
B: 27
C: 50

Q4. What is the fastest way to find the answer to the following?

Happy revising!


智義 said...

Q4:(20+1)multiplied by 10.

Unknown said...


explain1:(A)&(B)surely wrong because we r not finding the parameter while we rfinding the area (C) is wrong because it does not have sq.


explain2:we must remember that 0.6=60/100=60%0.06=6/100=60% so (D) is the answer.


explain3:we must divde the lenght of the squre to each side of the container,not to find the volume of the square and the coainer and divide.

answer4:1 times 19 plus 20.

Sorry if its a bit messy..

desmond koh kai sheng(5A)

ShAwN PaNg said...

q1: D

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