Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chinese New Year Decorations

I'm proud of your combined effort in adding the festive mood to our classroom.
Special thanks to...
1) Nerin's mom for the 'egg-tray' decorations and the basket
2) Weng Leng for the 'Vitagen' fish
3) Edison, Dominic, Shawn Pang and Weng Leng for the fiesty-lookig tigers
4) Catherine, Shawn Pang, Desmond, Nerin, Alina, Manwin, Qun Mei, Dominic for putting the finishing touches.


shawn pang said...

mrs tay we are sad to lose but we are happy that we can decorate our classroom so nicely!

Sarah said...

Although we did not get any of the class decoration prizes but I believe we should be proud of ourselves as we had decorated our classroom so nice:)

Wengleng said...

Too Bad We didn't win because i thought that our class was the best decorated! Thank You Everyone For Your Help Espicially To You, Mrs Tay.

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